Proxy vs Reverse proxy

I recently watched a video by Hussain Nasser you can check it out here. This inspired me to learn and dig more. So after doing some research in different places, I do have my take on it.

So I would start with just

Proxy by definition:
the authority to represent someone else

I would like to mention where they usually sit in client to server interaction


So you can see usually when a client would make requests it does not go directly to the server. Instead, the proxy servers handle the requests. So let's say a client wanted to visit, his request is initially forwarded by the forward proxy server. And on the server proxied by the reverse proxy server.

Based on this I was able to note some key points about both of them

Proxy Reverse Proxy
Proxy for requests going out Proxy for requests coming in
Sits closer to client Sits closer to server
Use Cases: Blocking sites, Caching, Logging Use Cases: Load Balancer, Caching, Canary deployment, Logging, Ingress
Usually your Internet Service Provider Examples would be nginx, HaProxy

Note: This is a very simplistic blog, to present the idea at a glance.Will recommend creating your own list if you really want to understand in detail

Keep learning 🤘

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